Friday, February 4, 2011

Church Annivesary Programs


When I enter a store specializing in clothing and mountain equipment, while I pick and turnaround study the various products, sometimes come to mind images of the great explorers and mountaineers of the time and think of the great diversity 'technological fabrics and materials with the current era.
Without taking anything away from those who currently make large companies with shares that a normal person would not dream of doing even if it was at the time of his great physical and mental shape, I think with the clothing and the materials of any undertaking was made even more 'from the great difficulty' which met to protect il proprio fisico dalle condizioni meteorologiche avverse.
Il mio pensiero corre a Sir Edmund Hillary e Tenzing Norgay primi scalatori dell'Everest, agli esploratori Amundsen e Scott protagonisti dell'epica corsa alla conquista del Polo Sud, a Compagnoni e Lacedelli che conquistarono il K2, a molti altri e a tutti quelli che con tecnologie sommarie e artigianali conquistarono e raggiunsero luoghi simbolo per tutta l'umanita'.
Ora possiamo avere a disposizione con cifre alla portata di molti, di tessuti ipertecnologici, imbottiture leggerissime e con altissime prestazioni, materiali leggerissimi e resistentissimi.
Ne cito alcuni : Kevlar, Gore Tex, Sympatex, Primaloft, Softshell, Pile, Gomme di varie composizioni, plastiche resistenti at subzero temperatures, nylon fabric, water-repellent treatment, synthetic fibers, etc. etc. and the list could be extended to much ...........
Since I started to devote to the activities' outdoor I realized that mine was also destined to become a continuous study and research on materials and technologies that could make my activity 'more' comfortable, safe and powerful as possible.
As with any activity 'that fascinates and' nice to discover and learn, watch and listen, ask and understand evolution.
technology is making headway and frail men allows us to achieve our goals with "perhaps" the most 'easy'.
Looking good this "facet" of thought, are still dell'idea che qualsiasi sia il supporto tecnologico che venga apportato per effettuare una azione epica, solo il nostro pensiero e la nostra mente possono fare la "differenza" e possono farci raggiungere mete a volte impensabili.
In uno dei prossimi post analizzero' piu' profondamente le tecniche di abbigliamento adatte all'outdoor.
Le foto sono state tratte da e


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