Sunday, January 16, 2011

Infinite Dragon Ball Doujinshi


Il candido manto nevoso oltre che spettacolare dal punto di vista paesaggistico, ci puo' svelare la presenza di animali che difficilmente riusciremo a scoprire senza snow.
When we go on an excursion off the path and look around to discover that, like opening the white pages of a book, every place has printed and imprinted in the snow animal tracks in the forest.
learned to recognize and read them, their spacing, we can understand the speed 'of the animal, their frequency can be' and see how 'lived there or if there are holes in the vicinity, you can' understand reading them carefully if this is one animal or more 'of them.
When I wander into the forest and in clearings snow seems to be in a place of fable which unfolds in all its aspects, and tells the magical stories of its inhabitants, almost like a movie Walt Disney.


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