Sunday, January 16, 2011

Anti-freezepokemon Soul Silver

crazy winter to M. Tovo 1386 m

from the exit Romagnano Sesia / Ghemme the roundabout go right and follow the SS299 Valsesia, after Borgosesia just before reaching the bridge over the Sesia turn to the left to shower after a few tens of meters, we leave the car in the small parking lot adjacent to the cemetery about 400 meters. Completed preparations follow the paved road that runs alongside the cemetery on the right, at the bottom there is a sign showing the various trails in the area, keep left and follow Via San Bononio and crossed the pretty village before coming to the oratory of Our Lady of the Rosary. The path 713 begins a short distance on the right, a sign placed on a tree indicating the direction, now meet the ruins of the old cable car to the mine Fei, after an initial climb uphill for a short distance flat where a small diversion signs you can go to see an old mill from hemp, returned to the main trail continue following the signs of paint, we cross a cattle track that we begin to follow on the left, just after crossing a stream we deviate to the right. The trail climbs steeply up to Alpe Cigliasco we continue to follow where a cattle track, we pass Alpe Rosaccia and after a few minutes we reach a turn to the right of the path 724 that we ignore, to continue on main path, we lose altitude and crossing a stream on top of a rudimentary bridge, climb up once more coming to Costa Foresto 630 m. After the first houses begin to come to the right following the road until you reach entrance on the right of the path 715 to the shelter Gilodi, the climb is nice and you begin to glimpse between the trees tastes of landscapes, signage is good and is always detectable in the trees or on rocks and in the crucial points with poles trail. Arrived Alpe Bonde 945 m in a really delicious, we continue on the left, always following the 715, we meet again we leave a paved road almost immediately to follow the directions on the opposite side of the refuge that we reach after a few minutes. The refuge Gilodi 1110 m commonly known as Monte Tovo Refuge or "Ca Meja, is a wooden building built in 1952 by CAI Borgosesia and then later expanded and renovated. From there to the summit we met often frozen sections, I suggest that you have in your backpack when hiking winter crampons to 6 or 4 points, do not weigh much and are always useful in the event,
in a few minutes to reach the altar surmounted by a cross, both are built with stones from many mountains in Italy, following in the footsteps go up the asphalt road that we follow a few minutes after arriving at its end, reached the nearby chapel, we pause a few while admiring the beautiful view of the Valsesia. The top of Tovo now see clearly above our heads, we begin to walk along the dirt road, arrived at a open space on the left are the signs to the top while hanging from a tree on the right of the sign that we will follow the return path 713. In the first uphill stretch we find a frozen snowpack, then after a few strokes, we are finally breathe without letting steeply to cross the mountain Tovo 1386 m, very beautiful day with temperatures more reminiscent of the spring months that winter, we continue along the ridge coming in a room where we sit to eat and enjoy stunning views while in the distance we see the fog enveloped the plain, like a long white coat ...
Back at the fork, go down along the path 713, in this part of the ground is thoroughly covered dalla neve, ma si riesce ugualmente a procedere grazie ai segnavia posti sugli alberi, stupendi sono i giochi di luce che il sole ci offre tra gli alberi e il luccichio dei cristalli di neve, il sentiero finisce su una strada asfalta, proseguiamo sulla sinistra rispetto a dove siamo arrivati, dopo qualche tornante eccoci alla colma dove sorge l'Oratorio di San Bernardo da Mentone risalente al XIX sec. Dopo pochi metri sulla destra riprendiamo a scendere seguendo il sentiero, molto ripidamente perdiamo quota, il terreno รจ talmente ricoperto dal fogliame che si fatica a non scivolare, arrivati su un tratturo proseguiamo a sinistra arrivando a incrociare nuovamente la strada asfalta che seguiamo. Arriviamo alla frazione Fei a circa 700 m, dopo esserci dissetati alla fontana and take a shot at the Oratory of St. Catherine the Martyr of the eighteenth century., we're always on the paved road until you reach Doccio on the road that leads directly to the parking lot where we left the car in the morning. By Danilo
we decided to keep the snowshoes to rest and do those peaks considered by many minor but on days like today that offer exceptional views, virtually inventing the route, we completed a loop along at the same time of great satisfaction, unfortunately, forgotten trails and on roads where cars seem to have disappeared, leaving them time to fully enjoy the beautiful day.
Sick Mountain: Daniel and Fabio

the altar caduti in montagna

Monte Tovo 1386 m

la nebbia come un mantello bianco ricopre la pianura

rifugio Gilodi 1110 m 

traccia gps su Google Earth 

grafico altimetrico


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