Monday, November 22, 2010

Luminosity Of Sun Compared

Christmas markets by train in Switzerland, Zurich and Montreux 19 €

Altra segnalazione classica per questo blog, dopo i mercatini di Natale in treno Austria e Germania , i mercatini di Natale in treno Svizzera , grazie all'offerta delle Ferrovie Svizzere per l'occasione ci sono diversi biglietti speciali a 19 euro , per esempio da Milano in 2,30 h, possiamo raggiungere Montreux sul lago Lemano e in 3,30h Zurigo comodamente seduti su un treno, ci sono diverse fasce orarie dalla mattina al pomeriggio. I biglietti Smart così si chiamano gli trovate disponibili in all ticket offices at stations and agencies that are empowered in the Smart link above.

Christmas Market in Montreux and Wine Train
from November 25 to December 24 in Place du Marché and lakeside

One markets the best-known Swiss chalet with 146 - exhibitors and 9 restaurants, Montreux awaits you with not only the Christmas market but the event Montreux Noel help include 5 events, in addition to the market is born the home of Father Christmas , the Christmas village, the medieval market and guest of honor this year Russia with 10 stands. Are already online all the exhibitors to find what interests you most.

Montreux is an area surrounded by vineyards that produce the excellent local wines and is the region of Switzerland with the highest numbers of restaurants reported by the Michelin Guide from the nearby town of Vevey aside Wine Train leading to Lavaux , world heritage ' Unesco.
Info: Montreux Tourism to spend the night there is a large selection of B & B hotels, I recommend the B & B Aviolat where they speak Italian.

Christmas Market in Zurich , Exhibition of Picasso and Confiserie Sprüngli
from November 25 to December 24

Zurich offers the largest indoor Christmas market in Europe takes place directly under train station in ShopVille-RailCity with 170 booths of gifts for every type and genre. Zurich year awaits you with the latest lucy longer primarily a special lighting only for this Christmas season with rain clouds and soft light.

From October 15, 2010 January 30, 2011 to the Kunsthaus Zürich presents a unique exhibition of Pablo Picasso : 70 original works from renowned international collections. Exclusive only Zurich, a rare and unique opportunity for those who love him. At Visitors Bureau can book hotel and admission to the Museum.

My advice instead is right near the train Confiserie Sprüngli in Bahnhofstrasse 21, with the famous Luxemburg the sweets of Zurich, are similar to the Macaron Vanilla, Chocolate, Champagne, Raspberry, Pistachio, not least the pralines and chocolate truffles.

Information: , SBB (Swiss railways) , Zurich Tourism, Zurich Tourism Blog , Montreux-Vevey Tourism ,


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