E 'came the snow and winter promises to be a full of snow, a boon for those who venture through the woods and valleys in the company of snowshoes.
are an indispensable tool for the hiker who wants to move in the snow.
were created by Indians in the Canadian forests to move quickly nei luoghi innevati, ma comunque vi sono prove che altri popoli le usavano, una volta che avevano scoperto che aumentando la superficie di appoggio sulla neve si sprofondava meno sul soffice manto candido.
Adesso sono diventate piu' che un attrezzo per migliorare la capacita' di spostamento nella neve, un attrezzo di moda ed a volte usato inutilmente su sentieri battuti dove non si sprofonderebbe neanche se si saltasse con gli scarponi sopra la neve.......
Le racchette da neve o le cosiddette "ciaspole" usando il termine piu' "regionale", sono invece molto utili e divertenti quando vengono usate per percorsi effettuati in neve soffice e in piena liberta' fuori dai sentieri battuti.
Quando arriva il momento di acquistarle la scelta si fa molto more 'difficult.
And then how do you choose a good snowshoe?
First, I recommend you do one or two outputs of the test, to understand a bit 'system in use, with the rented snowshoes, skis and sleds now hirer has snowshoes available to rent.
Gia 'so you understand what your needs' to use these tools.
E 'therefore important to define very well "what you want to do" with snowshoes, if flat and easy paths to places well marked, or if used in a more' extreme 'situations on routes with slope snow and difficulty 'more' high. If
your use and 'very "soft" are also fine cheap products without technical details.
If your use and 'rather more' hard 'I recommend you consider buying good' cause you need the snowshoes robust and reliable and now we will see how they should be. First
before making the purchase and influence by the seller before you .......
take them in hand, observe them and rigiratele well.
The structure must be very strong and not too flexible, 'cause when you are on steep slopes should support your weight without deforming good too.
Council to guide the choice of snowshoes made of plastic such as polypropylene suitable for temperatures "Extreme."
must be of a more 'close behind as not to stumble when walking.
Another important feature is' the hub of the attack that must have very strong, and the attack must have a good adjustment to the various measures of boot laces and a very strong, I prefer the locking of the boot with the webbing and coupling type "backpack" that allow you to tighten and lock the boot to the snowshoe.
Then turn the bat upside down and observe the snow "fund" shall have the ribs serve to stiffen the structure and to limit lateral slipping in soft snow, even better if they are slightly arched on the edges, and also must have a number of bits of steel or serrated blades useful for moving sheet of ice on slopes.
Attack of the boot also must be equipped with crampons front of the front teeth very useful when dealing with a very steep slope and you need to "bite" into the hard snow slope.
By now all of snowshoes are equipped with good heel elevator and clamp for use in boarding and snow.
Depending on your weight also take the proper snowshoe size, packaging and normally 'indicates the relative weight class.
So I advise you not to save money too if your use and 'challenging.
After this brief examination of the racket da neve siete gia' in grado di effettuare una buona scelta del vostro nuovo strumento per effettuare escursioni nella neve.
Due consigli : la ciaspola non puo' sostituire i ramponi quindi evitate di utilizzarle per salite "alpinistiche" non sono adatte a tal scopo, e prima di avventurarvi su zone a forte innevamento vagliate bene la situazione di pericolo valanghe consultando i siti specializzati (che trovate nei link con i simboli anche qui a fianco) o chiedendo in loco informazioni sulla situazione del manto nevoso.
Buon divertimento !!!
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