Tuesday, December 28, 2010
My Hair Is Red/brown Can I Use Born Blonde
Monday, December 27, 2010
Left Side Numb, Heart Rate

Guide to London
Gourmand - A Notting Hills by The Grocer on Elgin (6 Elgin Crescent, tel.: 020 7221 3844) to eat something, they are fantastic the pears with saffron and cinnamon.
- Cheese. The most famous is in Covent Garden Nealsyarddairy or Paxton & Whitfield 93 Jermini street, defender of the raw milk.
- Staff the store Daylesfordorgani c 44B Pimlico Road
- Biological Whole Foods Market 63-97 Kensington High Street
- Tea: Twining & Co at 216 Strand, the oldest tea shop
- Viennese pastries: Apostrophe 215 Strand
- Confectionery English Humming Bird Bakery 133 Portobello Road
- A breakfast to 'English: Dyana Diner 39 Endell Street
- Typical Fast Food English: Banger Bros 225th in Portobello Road
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
What Happens To Your Body Doing Meth

A HOLIDAY in Paris is always worthwhile, you can get there by train and take public transport without using the car, shopping for Christmas is a thousand times while the town these days is under the snow, there are Christmas markets and after December 31 the first sales. Paris is especially culture in the broadest sense of uniqueness to a large Museums, are associated with many exhibitions both public and private wide-ranging as the 2010 Monet retrospective still open until January 2011 , but also music and in this period where we feel more coivolti that open spaces of the original churches and monasteries, places that lend themselves more than any other notes of music, an invitation to watch the events calendar of the city, however, there are concerts are worth a trip to Paris.
Chapelle Royale Tuesday 21 Décembre 2010 21h30
Gourmand Paris at Christmas: Buches de Noel
D pound in Italian stub Christmas symbol of the Christmas tradition as we Panettone, here the new versions and addresses of the best.
Chez Angelina, 226 Rue de Rivoli, Paris 01 42 60 82 00 Métro: Pyramides. One of the city's historic confectionery. Proposed for this native of the socket called Macaronesia is a stub below with crispy chocolate cream on a chocolate sabayon with raspberry jelly in the middle.Fauchon, 26 Place de la Madeleine, proposes a classic revisited with a pistachio sponge cake filled with vanilla cream and caramel custard blackberries and raspberries.
Arnaud Del Montel , rue des Martyrs , big pastry also known as the artisan of small joys, proposes four new and innovative Buches de Noel greedy and I must say also very fragrant.
Red : mousse with black cherry, vanilla cream tiramisu, sour cherry syrup, almond biscuit dough.
Yellow : Mousse Yuzu, the Yozu cream, chocolate biscuit and cake, pralines.
Orange : consisting of orange, chocolate mousse, jelly orange, chocolate cookie dough.
Green : Bavarian pistachio, coulus of cherry, pistachio, almond biscuit dough.
Info: Info Paris, Paris Greeter (Paris for a day), Parisinparis , Artesia (trains to Paris) offering of € 61 from 13 December 2010 to January 9, 2011 .
PS: a personal note I am away from a few days of blogs and bloggers from the world, due to health problems but now everything ok with affection and expectation of the email.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Make Your Own Bmx Bike Colors

Info: Orestes Hutte , Monterosa Ski , Region VDA / Monte Rosa ,
Source: pictures of the site ownership Orestes Hutte
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Indoor Public Basketball
What Is A Scorpio Man Like
time ago I thought the vicissitudes of life and history of the people I know, and my own, I was reminded of this phrase: "Never give up" Looking
in the "network" this phrase and who may 'have used it I came across this phrase Ambrogio Fogar, my "adventurer" Preferred
" is the force of life that teaches you to never give up, even when you're about to say enough. "
Ambrogio Fogar
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Water Softener Seborrheic
When you're down
And you feel small
When you're in tears Your eyes
I will dry them all
'm on your side
When times get hard
And friends just can not find
Come un ponte sulle acque agitate
Io stenderò sotto di me
Come un ponte sulle acque agitate
Io stenderò sotto di me
Quando sei giù di corda
Quando sei sulla strada
Quando la sera arriva così dura
I will give you comfort
I'll be on your side
When darkness comes
and anxiety is all around
Like a bridge over troubled waters
I will lie beneath me
Like a bridge over troubled waters
I will lie beneath me
unfolds silver girl sail
Unfurl sails
's your time to shine
All your dreams are on their way
See how it shines
If you need a friend
I'm sailing right by your side
Like a bridge over troubled waters
Io libererò la tua mente
Come un ponte sulle acque agitate
Io libererò la tua mente
Bridge over Troubled Water è il quinto e ultimo album di Simon and Garfunkel, inizialmente pubblicato il 26 gennaio 1970. Il disco riscosse un successo mondiale, vendendo solo negli Stati Uniti otto milioni di copie e in tutto il mondo si stima oltre venti milioni. L'album raggranellò cinque Grammy Award, tra cui quello per il miglior album dell'anno.
Nel 2003 l'album fu annoverato nella lista dei 500 migliori album secondo Rolling Stone al 51esimo. Nello stesso anno il network televisivo VH1 lo proclamò 33esimo album del secolo.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Taking Valium While Exercising?
Da Domodossola raggiungiamo Bognanco Terme, risalendo la valle arriviamo a Graniga e continuando sempre su strada asfaltata, normalmente pulita si arriva a San Bernardo 1628 m dove lasciamo l'auto o nel piccolo parcheggio di fronte alla chiesetta o sul bordo della strada. Scesi dall'auto ci accorgiamo che la temperatura è gradevole, sembra di essere all'inizio della primavera, dopo la chiesetta una palina segnavia indica i vari percorsi da intraprendere con i relativi tempi, noi proseguiamo sulla strada poderale a destra che ricalca la old mule track was built in 1928 by the Royal Army for defensive purposes, we go down slightly in a beautiful forest of firs and larches, and crossed the river on a bridge Rasiga 1600 m starting to climb out of the woods we come to the shelter Dosso 1740 m. We leave the snow-covered road at the moment to go back behind the shelter Alpe Arza 1754 m, we keep in the woods until it intersects the private road again, is beginning to feel the wind in the forest but for now remains the only hear mumbling in the trees, after the beaten track begin to rise freely to the left. Now the wind is felt with all his might, and we challenge him at times seems almost like giving up, but then resume again with greater force raising clouds of snow crashing against us, the scenery is fantastic addition to the deep blue sky, walking on a snow cover that recalls the Siberian tundra seen in many documentaries. We pass a large barn and went on to a large cross on the left side to reach a quick break, flanked on the right below the lake completely frozen Monscera soon come to pass Monscera 2103 m, from where it has a unique view over giants of the Valais, Weissmies 4023 m, 4010 Lagginhorn me Fletschorn 3996 m. It is believed that the pitch had been used since ancient times, the Simplon to reach before the baron Stockalper in the seventeenth century. costruisse the bold mule to cross the treacherous crossing of the Gorge of Gondo.
The wind is very strong so after some photos we decided to go to the shelter Gattascosa. Lined the opposite bank of the pond where we are, we go down to gentle slopes, the track is usually quite evident, arrived at a trail sign pole continue in slight slope to the top Verosso 2443 m which is located under the beautiful stone building of the shelter Gattascosa 1993 m. The program included the return along the path from San Bernardo to the refuge rooms, but we opt for the return from the same side, the reason is simple, the itinerary is completely in the shade as it is today a magnificent sun shines we still godercelo some now, however anyone who wants it can easily get off and in less than an hour to get to the parking lot. In order not to repeat the same route but mostly for fun, we decided to go through snow up to the huts Micalcesti 1993 Alpe me from here back to the way done in the morning. The Alta Bognanco offers at any time of new emotions, a paradise to be discovered in silence!
Sick Mountain: Aldo, Franco, Danilo and Fabio
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Restoration Hardware Employment Verification
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
List Of Man Made Woods And Natural Woods
E 'came the snow and winter promises to be a full of snow, a boon for those who venture through the woods and valleys in the company of snowshoes.
are an indispensable tool for the hiker who wants to move in the snow.
were created by Indians in the Canadian forests to move quickly nei luoghi innevati, ma comunque vi sono prove che altri popoli le usavano, una volta che avevano scoperto che aumentando la superficie di appoggio sulla neve si sprofondava meno sul soffice manto candido.
Adesso sono diventate piu' che un attrezzo per migliorare la capacita' di spostamento nella neve, un attrezzo di moda ed a volte usato inutilmente su sentieri battuti dove non si sprofonderebbe neanche se si saltasse con gli scarponi sopra la neve.......
Le racchette da neve o le cosiddette "ciaspole" usando il termine piu' "regionale", sono invece molto utili e divertenti quando vengono usate per percorsi effettuati in neve soffice e in piena liberta' fuori dai sentieri battuti.
Quando arriva il momento di acquistarle la scelta si fa molto more 'difficult.
And then how do you choose a good snowshoe?
First, I recommend you do one or two outputs of the test, to understand a bit 'system in use, with the rented snowshoes, skis and sleds now hirer has snowshoes available to rent.
Gia 'so you understand what your needs' to use these tools.
E 'therefore important to define very well "what you want to do" with snowshoes, if flat and easy paths to places well marked, or if used in a more' extreme 'situations on routes with slope snow and difficulty 'more' high. If
your use and 'very "soft" are also fine cheap products without technical details.
If your use and 'rather more' hard 'I recommend you consider buying good' cause you need the snowshoes robust and reliable and now we will see how they should be. First
before making the purchase and influence by the seller before you .......
take them in hand, observe them and rigiratele well.
The structure must be very strong and not too flexible, 'cause when you are on steep slopes should support your weight without deforming good too.
Council to guide the choice of snowshoes made of plastic such as polypropylene suitable for temperatures "Extreme."
must be of a more 'close behind as not to stumble when walking.
Another important feature is' the hub of the attack that must have very strong, and the attack must have a good adjustment to the various measures of boot laces and a very strong, I prefer the locking of the boot with the webbing and coupling type "backpack" that allow you to tighten and lock the boot to the snowshoe.
Then turn the bat upside down and observe the snow "fund" shall have the ribs serve to stiffen the structure and to limit lateral slipping in soft snow, even better if they are slightly arched on the edges, and also must have a number of bits of steel or serrated blades useful for moving sheet of ice on slopes.
Attack of the boot also must be equipped with crampons front of the front teeth very useful when dealing with a very steep slope and you need to "bite" into the hard snow slope.
By now all of snowshoes are equipped with good heel elevator and clamp for use in boarding and snow.
Depending on your weight also take the proper snowshoe size, packaging and normally 'indicates the relative weight class.
So I advise you not to save money too if your use and 'challenging.
After this brief examination of the racket da neve siete gia' in grado di effettuare una buona scelta del vostro nuovo strumento per effettuare escursioni nella neve.
Due consigli : la ciaspola non puo' sostituire i ramponi quindi evitate di utilizzarle per salite "alpinistiche" non sono adatte a tal scopo, e prima di avventurarvi su zone a forte innevamento vagliate bene la situazione di pericolo valanghe consultando i siti specializzati (che trovate nei link con i simboli anche qui a fianco) o chiedendo in loco informazioni sulla situazione del manto nevoso.
Buon divertimento !!!
Commemorative House Bricks
One of the last bulwarks on the European continent ' Atlantic Ocean, the island that faces the unknown, was for centuries the island, beyond which there was not known. Island was known as the island of Meridian was the zero reference for your maps in the Middle Ages, the meridian called the meridian Iron (Hierro in fact).
Today is one of the most interesting tourist destinations for ecotourism and turim slow for the winter, fortunately, the island was spared from large speculative investment of the '70s that have characterized the other Canary Islands, this has allowed the island to maintain its natural, cultural, social and above all human .
Silence, nature and climate are three main reasons why people visit El Hierro, in particular, the temperature hardly drops below 24 degrees , so that the houses are heated, the clouds pass high and is a sun that caresses look windswept.
The island is World Heritage stands for 'other peculiarity is the first island to world without oil, the first island to not use fossil fuels so all facilities are clean energy . Island operates a system consisting of a hydroelectric plant and a wind farm consisting of five helices of 65 meters, in the absence of wind, but believe me it is very difficult to El Hierro there is no wind there is a central idroelttrica. The old power plant fueled thermoelectric elttrica oil remains in case of need.
Island has the most beautiful ocean depths and this attracts diving enthusiasts from all over the world here centers specialize in El Hierro for diving, for those who want to keep fit there are plenty of trekking around the island, especially you stay in apartments or farm offering a personalized guest service. One of the most charming places to stay is the Parador of El Hierro , the sea and in a very quiet, the rest is an island only to be discovered slowly.
Info: Travel El Hierro, Paradores.es , El Hierro Flora and Fauna, Tourism des Canarias ,
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Extensions Lauren London
Following the road of Valsesia Alagna arrival in 1191 m, the temperature is very hard today, I leave the car in the courtyard next to the dirt road near the parking fee, are in the midst of the crowd of skiers who are about to reach the ski lifts, ski and those who those with the boards and I with my snowshoes and snowshoeing, I went toward the center of the country, moving between the old houses coming on where the main street, turning left at short notice with the arrival directions to the Valley Gardens. Continue right into the theater Alagnese Union, climb the ladder to the left of the theater, continue along the stone path and follow the instructions of trail # 3, the latest arrival in a few minutes Riale Superior (Oubre Grobe ) with a beautiful stone fountain, which is useful to return to clean up the snow shoes, after a short stretch of path through the paved road leads to the opposite side where he began Olterstiga, or the "Ascent of Otro" a steep staircase stone. At the fork omit the wide trail to turn right always forward di più nel fitto e silenzioso bosco, tornante dopo tornante ecco che gli alberi si diradano e improvvisamente mi appare la piana di Otro (In Olter) 1664 m, "...alpe de Ocro simul etiam cum ponte de Varade..." così viene citato questo magnifico alpeggio in un documento datato 10 giugno 1025, mi dirigo verso la chiesetta di Follu con la sua stupenda facciata decorata, vengo subito rapito dai ricordi che mi riportano indietro nel tempo, il mese era Luglio l'anno era il 2000, anche allora ero solo, la mia meta erano i Laghi Tailly remoti specchi d'acqua. La giornata anche allora non era splendida, quando arrivai al villaggio chiesi informazioni a un uomo che era appena uscito dalla sua baita, il suo sguardo era proud, hard, it was obvious that he was an inhabitant of highlands, a Walser, kindly showed me the way, I greeted him and follow in what turned out one of the most exciting solo excursions I've ever done ... I continue following some tracks in passing that first lead me to Dorf and then a short distance to 1726 m Scarpia, for those who want the day could end here, but if you want you can continue. Since the last hut on the right, follow the trail that leads first to eviedente Pianmisura Small 1782 m and then the church of Pianmisura Grande 1854 m, you just have to be careful when crossing the canyon where a stream flows between the two villages, which could be subject to landslides. Arriving at the church I stop to rest and sip a glass of hot tea warming in the warm rays of the sun veiled by clouds, for the return following the same route of going, stopping every now and then but in the villages where every time I find more in corners unknown to me, the houses of Walser Valley Gardens are among the best preserved of the Alps, certainly can not miss if you love mountains to visit these unique places and at the same time fascinating.
Sick Mountain: Fabio
Monday, November 22, 2010
Luminosity Of Sun Compared

Christmas Market in Montreux and Wine Train
from November 25 to December 24 in Place du Marché and lakeside

Montreux is an area surrounded by vineyards that produce the excellent local wines and is the region of Switzerland with the highest numbers of restaurants reported by the Michelin Guide from the nearby town of Vevey aside Wine Train leading to Lavaux , world heritage ' Unesco.
Info: Montreux Tourism to spend the night there is a large selection of B & B hotels, I recommend the B & B Aviolat where they speak Italian.
Christmas Market in Zurich , Exhibition of Picasso and Confiserie Sprüngli
from November 25 to December 24

From October 15, 2010 January 30, 2011 to the Kunsthaus Zürich presents a unique exhibition of Pablo Picasso : 70 original works from renowned international collections. Exclusive only Zurich, a rare and unique opportunity for those who love him. At Visitors Bureau can book hotel and admission to the Museum.
My advice instead is right near the train Confiserie Sprüngli in Bahnhofstrasse 21, with the famous Luxemburg the sweets of Zurich, are similar to the Macaron Vanilla, Chocolate, Champagne, Raspberry, Pistachio, not least the pralines and chocolate truffles.
Information: Myswitzerland.com , SBB (Swiss railways) , Zurich Tourism, Zurich Tourism Blog , Montreux-Vevey Tourism ,
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Steak Restaurant Cut Off Tie
The Chain of Lagorai and 'formed by mountains that reach 3000 meters , the most 'high top of the chain and' Cima D'Asta with its 2847 meters, but the chain and 'very large and very urban, you can' consider it a true mountain wilderness!
The places that you go through are very wild, consisting of woods, rocks, mountain lakes are very striking, and are places where several films have been set between such as Jean Jacques Annaud's The Bear.
Most of the paths takes place at high altitude without unevenness of "overtraining."
Parked the car in the village of Tedone preparations and equipment including backpacks and trekking poles for the new Gabel in a future article we will explain in their technical and ergonomic features, we began our hike onto the forest road and follow it for a while.
n.332 Then take the path that continues along the stream of Caserine.
Following the path you will come out on the Plains of CALDENAVE that 'the name to Hut the same name, then follow the path n.360 through a conifer forest to get to another open space that seems to embrace the amphitheater Lakes of Hell, a place with the name has nothing to do having regard to the beauty wilderness that characterizes it.
Continuing north you go up to the pass and following the path with a view of the Peaks and Montalone Rava Group, you reach a "bait" that very well equipped and restored 'available as an emergency shelter for anyone who needs it.
Behind the "bait" to continue the path that climbs Mount Conseria leaving the right which connects with the "Path Nomads."
Seguendo il Sentiero Nomadi si sbuca sull'anfiteatro del Lago Nassere e costeggiandolo si scende per il sentiero che raggiunge Malga Nassere e poi si prosegue per la strada forestale che ci riconduce al luogo di partenza.
La difficolta' e' Escursionistica, con la neve che abbiamo incontrato sul percorso abbiamo avuto qualche difficolta' a trovare le tracce del sentiero.
Il dislivello e' di 800 mt circa.
Where Can I Find Junk Metal
Gand au fil de l'eau from Ulysse, la culture du voyage on Vimeo .
The beautiful town of Ghent Gent in Flemish, has a historical and architectural heritage that stands as one of the most interesting tourist destinations in Belgium, running through the canals, parks, gardens to soak up the medieval old air when people were considered the city of markets, weavers and spices, a wealth that has left a heritage of great value that goes from the Cathedral of St. Govone , Abbey of St. Peter, Castle of the Counts a cultural matrix that is projected in today art museums of contemporary art and design.

today What makes a Gent of the most interesting and an example for many is its relationship with the environment, but especially with the special aspect of its inhabitants much pleasure-seeking, the city comes alive at night than during the day and is the city that has the highest number of quality restaurants in relation to its population. This peculiarity has praised the city of Gent , when it established the day of the week vegetarian. Every Thursday do not eat meat. From soup kitchens to bars and restaurants. One day a week meat-free is equivalent to the emission of CO2 18,000 cars.
A courageous decision by the City proposed by Leenaert Tobias, president of the Belgian EVA vegetarian, even if there is an obligation but only offer the 90% of the inhabitants of Ghent on Thursday joined initiative, 50% of restaurants offer vegetarian dishes. The idea was a strong stimulus for the chef of the restaurants that have invented their creativity with new dishes and new combinations, so that the plates are now presented on Thursday during the week.
Forget boring vegetable dishes , as some goat cheese in sheets of brick with tomato confit and mint pesto, red onion tarte tatin with envy with puff pastry with olive oil. The inhabitants of Ghent did not change the look of their character, not as they have become vegetarians, but on Thursday on behalf of the environment to give up eating meat, this and other decisions on the environment by the disposal of waste to roads have put the city as a examples of cities with a focus on the environment.
Some useful to address Gourmet Ghent:
Avalon , Geldmunt 32 tel. +32 9224 37 24, is Belgium's most famous vegetarian restaurant is only open for lunch and the evening organizes special events by invitation.
Korenhuis , Korenlei 10 tel. +32 9269 77 44 a restaurant known for its variety of risottos.
Brasserie Pakhuis , Schuurkenstraat 4 tel. +32 9223 55 55, one of the most trendy Gant, seasonal produce, fresh and organic, ranging from 13 € lunch menu with fish menu brands at 42 € with oysters.
brooder Breydelstraat Jan 8, with an adjoining restaurant and pastry bakeries are famous for their cakes verdyra, salmon and spinach lasagna and cakes, gingerbread, also have three 3 rooms for overnight stays in B & Bs.
Himschoot Bed & Bread , Groentenmarkt 1 tel. +32475 52 37 19 One of the più vecchie panetterie del Belgio del XVI secolo 60 tipi di pane diversi di ricette antiche, si affaccia sul mercato di frutta e verdura (Groentenmarkt) .La panetteria affitta 3 romantiche camere
Vve Tierenteyn-Verlent , Groentenmarkt 3 tel. +32 9 225 83 36, gand era famosa per le stoffe e le spezie tra cui la senape, questa è il negozio della vecchia fabbrica della Senape.
Natale a Gand/ Gent : Mercatini di Natale dal 10 al 30 dicembre 2010 in Sint-Baafsplein, da lunedì a venerdì 13.00-21.00; Mercatini dei giocattoli: Vrijdagmarkt, dal 12 al 19 dicembre 2010.
Intanto fate il giro in battello con il filmato ma dal vero è ancora più affascianante Gand makes a slow tourism destination.
Info: Tourism Flanders , Visit Gent, Gent Bed and Breakfast Association ,
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Containers For Acrylic Paint
Leave the motorway A5 at the exit of the Pont-Saint-Martin and turn right following the directions for the Gressoney Valley we arrive in the center of the picturesque village of Issime, where stands the beautiful church of San Giacomo Maggiore, a monument of great historical and artistic interest, shortly after turn left following signs for San Grato, the road continues to the ban on where we leave the car in a small clearing about 1400 m, if there were no place you can leave after a few tens of meters from the sign of prohibition or, alternatively, in some open spaces on the road a little more downstream. We begin to walk the road slightly uphill, the first dry curve we follow the right path going up some steps built with wood logs and marked with stamps gialli, dopo pochi minuti ecco comparire lo stadel Hantschekku 1482 m, come le ultime volte che siamo andati per terre alte anche oggi il cielo è ricoperto dalle nuvole, ma abbiamo la sensazione che prima o poi il sole possa uscire, nel frattempo iniziamo a risalire il ripido crinale raggiungendo Ekku-Ecku 1569 m. Il sentiero sempre ben marcato sale tra i prati, passa accanto alla strada sterrata e dopo lo stadel isolato di Höisgher-Hoidscher in breve arriviamo alla bella cappella di San Grato 1688 m, alcuni documenti attestano che già nel 1600 gli abitanti della zona i venerdì del mese di maggio abbandonavano i lavori agricoli per assistere alla funzione religiosa. Passiamo a monte delle case di Chröitz–Chreuz–Chröiz raggiungendo un boulder shows the number of paths we move into the valley following the trail 1-1C and GSW (Great Walser Trail), continue with the slight slope towards the old mule track Dondeuil, used since medieval merchants, quick to arrive in Ruas 1710 m where we stop for a moment to look at the foot of the first house is a large stone archway under which slides over the oven is also a fresh source. Continues through a bucolic plateau, where the right is the former home of Gradinerp, whose origins date back to about half of 1500, climbed a hill we enter a dense forest of conifers, we cross a stream passing by in a couple of large slabs of stone about two feet long, emerged from the woods we find the abandoned barns stub considered by some scholars one of the most beautiful valley of San Grato, shortly after we see another further upstream of the stadel Vliokj Vlüeckji, smaller than the previous one, but restored with passion. It follows a long stretch through the first tranche for the 1835 Alpine Kekeratschjatz Mettiu me then that of 1894 m, shortly after we begin to find the snow, but thanks to the previously beaten track we go quietly, go through a little valley arriving at a crossroads, we abandon 1F path on the left that leads to the clearing below the Reich and crossed the river on a beautiful wooden bridge with a decision we take to climb up to the plateau where the chalets are set in Alpe Mahdokht 2021 m, with a central chapel of Our Lady of the Snows, was built in 1660 by two builders who miraculously escaped an avalanche. We decide to stop and after lunch we do a few steps from the huts, in the meantime, the clouds have thinned out giving us some really exciting moments, take pictures to capture every moment burst, we take the way of retracing the path back to the huts of stone alp Kekeratschjatz. On the left a very clear track begins to climb, arriving shortly on the grassy knoll Alpe Vleukie 1872 m where we cross the path n. 1 from Alpe Mahdokht, after a short pause go down on the left and crossed a wooden bridge we enter the forest without too much difficulty and following the yellow arrows spend countless between the pastures now immersed in the fog, came to the huts of Ruas resume the route taken in the morning, shortly before arriving at the chapel of San Grato decide to go north to see the huts Bühl 1676 m, above them rises the massive big house built entirely of stone Zeun 1737 m) that Palaz. For the return trip we decided to go down the road, cutting where possible, arrived at the huts Blatti 1491 m on the left continue until you reach the car. Today, more than the inevitable Danilo
to share this day in the mountains there is Kiran fact that after the trek together in August has returned to accompany us, hiking in a valley that has fortunately come to our days almost intact, a step back in time, between the old houses Walser, a people who lived by exploiting what they can offer the mountain, but in an environment that surrounded them. Time difference and leave them to those who consider the mountain a kind of gym, this trip is to be carried out with slow, unhurried in full respect of nature ..
Sick Mountain: Kiran, and Fabio Danilo