tourist destinations have not planned for Valentine's Day, a serious lack, or the mountain resorts or other destinations, all just think about the carnival, a mistake when planning!
There are some really romantic places? I think it is Well, considering that the most important thing is with those who pass the Valentine's Day and not the journey itself, there are some places better than others can create a great atmosphere, very real a few worth mentioning Personal
Venice, Palazzo Zane Bru the center of romantic music
Venice, the city of Casanova, but also the city where cars are not traveling on foot, a city wrapped in a haze of winter, which allows you to play better to love seeing that and not be seen, wandering along the streets Every place has a special beauty, which makes every small gesture in a sensitive and important gesture. Venice one of the cities of human history, in winter to discover the most authentic appearance. Al Bru Palace Zane the center of romantic music is held throughout the month of February a series of concerts.
to sleep and eat : Bad and breakfast Venice list in pdf for restaurants and I suggest those close to the fish market, if you want something classy and original Old Carampane .
Paris , romantic Valentine's weekend
A romantic city of which I spoke last, a holiday of love is a vacation in Paris, which is also the city of beauty and elegance, it offers the best. I have a dedicated internal post last year is still valid, you can get there by train and travel on the underground. romantic Valentine's Weekend in Paris.
Seiseralm and pampering for couples in the wellness center
is one of the most beautiful places in the world, for some time there is an organization that provides the car-free holiday , this is a period especially skiing Alpine skiing, but there are rings of cross country skiing but also a nice program of wellness ' Hotel Urthaler
Throughout the season there' is the " CUDDLES FOR A COUPLE " to awaken the senses 'to share' experience with sparkling bathroom, "Rosengarten", aromatic oil massage for her and relaxing for him, Rasul ceremony with revitalizing massage soap and reciprocal application of clay in Rasul steam bath, romantic bath with honey and essential oils, accompanied by apples and sparkling wine .
The Village of Saint-Valentin & Garden Lovers
Accocolato Berrichonne in the heart of Champagne (region Centre), Saint-Valentin is the only village in France to bring the name of the patron saint of lovers. The town of Saint-Valentin celebrate the 12-13 and February 14, 2011 the 48th edition of the festival of innamorati . Per l'occasione, gli abitanti si occuperanno dell'arredo urbano con tutto il loro amore per dare vita a una 3 giorni all'insegna dell'amore. Programma della festa 2011 , Se fate una sosta a Saint-Valentin , non dimenticate il giardino degli Innamorati, un luogo calmo e sereno, c'è un "albero delle promesse" dove tutti gli innamorati potranno lasciare un messaggio su un cuore di metallo che si aggiungerà ai migliaia già presenti sul Salice dell'Amore.
Saint Tropez , Pan Deï Palais , una storia d'amore d'altri tempi
Il Pan Deï Palais di Saint-Tropez è il luogo ideale dove trascorrere un romantico San Valentino, immersi in un'atmosfera da favola.La leggenda narra che nel 1835 un generale francese, recatosi nel regno indiano di Penjab , si fosse follemente innamorato della bellissima principessa Banna Pan Deï e per celebrare il suo amore aveva costruito una sontuosa e principesca dimora al numero 52 di Rue Gambetta, a Saint-Tropez . Un luogo anche solo per andare vedere per la bellezza e la passione che si respira all'interno. Ufficio turismo Saint-Tropez .
Badia a Coltibuono , Chianti Siena, relax for a food and wine lovers
In the heart of Chianti, a secluded place away from prying eyes, in a beautiful abbey of the monks of Vallombrosa '500 surrounded by vineyards, a place of high-class hospitality, a beautiful garden Renaissance in the same complex also homonymous wine production company, the site is surrounded by trails for discovering the surrounding countryside, cooking lessons of the famous Lorenzo de Medici, a restaurant of international fame.
Seiseralm and pampering for couples in the wellness center
is one of the most beautiful places in the world, for some time there is an organization that provides the car-free holiday , this is a period especially skiing Alpine skiing, but there are rings of cross country skiing but also a nice program of wellness ' Hotel Urthaler
Throughout the season there' is the " CUDDLES FOR A COUPLE " to awaken the senses 'to share' experience with sparkling bathroom, "Rosengarten", aromatic oil massage for her and relaxing for him, Rasul ceremony with revitalizing massage soap and reciprocal application of clay in Rasul steam bath, romantic bath with honey and essential oils, accompanied by apples and sparkling wine .
The Village of Saint-Valentin & Garden Lovers
Accocolato Berrichonne in the heart of Champagne (region Centre), Saint-Valentin is the only village in France to bring the name of the patron saint of lovers. The town of Saint-Valentin celebrate the 12-13 and February 14, 2011 the 48th edition of the festival of innamorati . Per l'occasione, gli abitanti si occuperanno dell'arredo urbano con tutto il loro amore per dare vita a una 3 giorni all'insegna dell'amore. Programma della festa 2011 , Se fate una sosta a Saint-Valentin , non dimenticate il giardino degli Innamorati, un luogo calmo e sereno, c'è un "albero delle promesse" dove tutti gli innamorati potranno lasciare un messaggio su un cuore di metallo che si aggiungerà ai migliaia già presenti sul Salice dell'Amore.
Saint Tropez , Pan Deï Palais , una storia d'amore d'altri tempi
Il Pan Deï Palais di Saint-Tropez è il luogo ideale dove trascorrere un romantico San Valentino, immersi in un'atmosfera da favola.La leggenda narra che nel 1835 un generale francese, recatosi nel regno indiano di Penjab , si fosse follemente innamorato della bellissima principessa Banna Pan Deï e per celebrare il suo amore aveva costruito una sontuosa e principesca dimora al numero 52 di Rue Gambetta, a Saint-Tropez . Un luogo anche solo per andare vedere per la bellezza e la passione che si respira all'interno. Ufficio turismo Saint-Tropez .
Badia a Coltibuono , Chianti Siena, relax for a food and wine lovers
In the heart of Chianti, a secluded place away from prying eyes, in a beautiful abbey of the monks of Vallombrosa '500 surrounded by vineyards, a place of high-class hospitality, a beautiful garden Renaissance in the same complex also homonymous wine production company, the site is surrounded by trails for discovering the surrounding countryside, cooking lessons of the famous Lorenzo de Medici, a restaurant of international fame.
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