Two days Ahr Valley with the objective collection of Italy. The collection of
Italy Klockerkarkopf mt.2912 or so called 'why' and 'the highest mountain' to the north of Italy.
An environment rich in fresh meadows and streams in the valley, a valley being formed in its present form by ancient glaciers, and a harsh environment and "granite" in high altitude.
The excursion organized by the Group of Friends of Mountain Piazzola sul Brenta, 'was a nice "bucks" even if the weather once again and' made to the "whims".
first leg took us up to the warm refuge Tridentine Brigade, and then low clouds and rain soon came to the shelter, and all night with strong wind storms ...... luckily the company del Gruppo con la loro allegria e simpatia ha aiutato a rallegrare il "clima".....
Il giorno dopo al mattino le nuvole basse e la pioggia ci hanno fatto desistere dalla tentazione di raggiungere la cima, anche se ci siamo portati fino al bivio che imboccando il sentiero sulla destra ci avrebbe portato alla vetta.
Peccato.....lo abbiamo ritenuto troppo pericoloso......in compenso abbiamo chiuso il giro portandoci a incrociare di nuovo il sentiero n.13.
"Umidi" ma contenti !
Primo giorno.
Arrivati a Casere mt.1595 si prosegue per la strada sterrata che porta alla malga "Kerher Alm" mt.1846 e seguendo il sentiero n.13 si giunge alla malga Lahner mt.1979.
Procedendo per il sentiero comodo e ben segnalato si rises steadily to reach the Tridentine mt.2441 Refuge. Meanwhile
Picco dei Tre Signori with its majestic silhouette "monitor" every move of the hikers who climb to the refuge .....
Following the path n. 13 which is also called the Via collection of Italy will come to the fork to the right that leads to the collection.
Continuing along the same path you advance past the fork Teufelstiege mt.2526, is around the "Costa del Prete" and follow the path you come to the refuge collection of Italy and 'closed and therefore does not provide emergency shelter also.
just after hooking the hut down the path n. 14 which leads down steeply us' downstream to Casere.
Ascending mt.846-Difficulty 'E
difference in drop-down-mt.1400 Difficulty' EE
time there and 'state aid .... collection of Italy soon!
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