Monday, September 27, 2010

New Clothes Sent To Mexico


.............. Paths and walls of rock.
through them sometimes when I play notes in mind ....... Rock. Notes
hard and tough as the rock music you ride, and give nothing in perfect harmony with their essence. But
that give hard times that may open in unexpected moments sweet and charming, as well as spectacular views, as a conquest of an inaccessible place, like a game of notes and sounds sweet and melodic in their hardness ........!
There are no shortcuts, nothing is 'given, but sometimes the prizes may' be great for those who appreciate such a song by Bruce Springsteen or U2, or as a great place to discover and explore, or a view of the most 'beautiful Crode Dolomites.

Unrestricted Cubefield Game Online

Ampezzo Dolomites And NuvolĂ u Averau

Che dire! un paio di ferrate facili per raggiungere luoghi dai panorami bellissimi e ancora una giornata regalata per il bel tempo che ci ha permesso di fare tanto.
In sintesi : siamo partiti dal Passo Giau mt.2336 e abbiamo percorso la ferrata del Ragusel raggiungendo poi il rif.Nuvolau mt.2575 e poi siamo discesi fino al rif.Averau mt.2413 e abbiamo percorso la ferrata Averau dove giunti alla vetta mt.2649 siamo discesi per la stessa ferrata della salita.
Una volta giunti al rif.Scoiattoli con un magnifico panorama sulle Cinque Torri (oramai diventate quattro perche' una di esse e' crollata alcuni anni fa) siamo tornati al Passo Giau nostro punto di partenza ed arrivo.
I panorami che We give these places are unique to say the least: the Tofane, Croda da Lago, Crystal, Sorapiss, Croda Rossa, and finally the Marmolada glacier, with its unique and unmistakable .......
Animals that have accompanied us on our journey: the marmots and a herd of deer and their young.
The overall height difference and 'The difficulty of mt.680
': EEA with mandatory in September approved by iron.
Even places that leave you breathless with the beauty that you have vision, and passing under the Five Towers feel to deviate from the path and climbing them on those beautiful vertical walls and lively but at the same time uncertain to continue their settlement and excuse me the combination, but seem to me a metaphor for life ......... you know what happens at that precise moment, but do not know what you can 'happen in the future, you can only try to predict it ...........

Monday, September 20, 2010

Albert Bar End Mirrors

Alpine Chough

After climbing a hill or a result of hard work at times of some entities', happy to have reached a peak ........ who I am ?
The Alpine Chough flying with all natural salt from the bottom of the valley and fluttering watching me with his presence brought.
is then laid around and finally falls quite naturally from where and 'come ........
Sometimes as I envy him, but 'for him to conquer the peaks takes very little meaning!
Welcome friend who you company in the peaks!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fotos De Lorena Errere


At first I was a bit 'skeptical to use telescopic poles, even I did not understand how they could be useful to have two "frills" that needed to be careful where you put them on the rocks ...... ...
But then I tried them and I had to change his mind now and not ever leave them at home when I go out on my excursions, even if they are without me feel like a cowboy without a horse!
The pair of poles are part of the equipment essential to the trekkers.
First endeavoring not swell more 'hands like sausages created from the best butcher ..... Then
help maintain the balance turning us bipeds in "four-legged" and serve to divide the effort of the legs on his shoulders too.
If you use the technique of cross-country tracks while keeping a steady pace and well-coordinated progression up and 'much higher than those who do not use chopsticks. Downhill
then lighten the stress on knees and serve in the most 'difficult to maintain balance during a jump of steps and may serve as a support to jump a stream.
We used to keep the rhythm and pitch even if you encounter steep terrain or scattered rocks, once made a habit at a glance you learn where to place the sticks in position and stops.
In my humble opinion, this serves very well as training for vision, physical coordination, speed 'mental concentration.
The physical benefits from the use made of sticks do not stop there: they serve as the upper body workout, workout with shoulders and arms are used to break down and reduce stress on joints of the legs and pelvis are used to stimulate and encourage breathing with the movement and the development of the capacity 'of the chest.
The choice of the poles must be done without too save money and still need to assess very well the technical features of these tools.
must be light as not to tire the arms during the trekking more 'long, three-section telescopic must be' cause I believe you can place (always with the points down) and deliver better (you try to take a steep path and demanding with long rods coming out of a backpack impacted every corner or anything else!), with three sections can be adjusted more 'carefully choose sticks with fixing system stable and lasting, must have steel toe caps wear eg tungsten, with inpugnature comfortable and ergonomic (I prefer the sticks with the coating at the bottom of the handle also because 'so' I should not shorten it to climb steep you just move the position of the hands below).
What happens?
The correct height of the trekking poles and 'what in relation to your height puts you in the arm and forearm at right angles to the stick properly contested.
When you have used them even with the rain, take it apart and dry, never use oils and silicone spray, the whole operation should be always dry!
And finally, two tips: Never put your hand in the straps, even if it can be handy, 'cause in the event of a fall and loss of balance and' better to leave it and have your hands free to protect themselves from falling. Use
wheels around the tips even in the summer 'cause they do not allow you to embed the tips of your fingers between the rocks, cracks, etc..
And now good trip!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Low-cut Wrestling Singlet

PIZ BOE '- Sella

A beautiful trekking in high altitude very well organized by the Group of Friends of the Mountain.
We touched the top of one of the most 'beautiful mountains of the Dolomites, to be honest in my opinion and' very difficult to judge which is the most 'beautiful Dolomite mountains ..........
not for nothing that the Dolomites were decreed universal heritage of humanity 'by UNESCO.
Returning to our tour, we started from share mt.2053 taking the path of CAI n.656 and passing under the vertical walls of the towers and Ciavazes Piz Sella.
We continued climbing in the Val Lasties and you come to a "flat" Plan de Siela with even sparse vegetation and rocks with a side of rock walls that create a "stage" where nature is the spectacular part of the main protagonist of the scene.
Carry on going and ignoring the path on the right path that leads directly to you reach a fork Pordoi environment effect almost "lunar" Plan de Roces.
Crossing the Plan de Roces always with a view of the Piz Boe 'and Capanna Fassa, our goals of travel, go up steps and slopes up to la Forcella Antersass a mt.2839.
Tenendo sempre la vista sul nostro obiettivo e proseguendo verso destra, si attraversa un breve tratto attrezzato con cavi di acciaio, perche' esposto (e' consigliabile di assicurarsi con il set da ferrata per maggiore sicurezza), e si giunge al Rifugio Boe' mt.2871, dove ci si puo' riposare e rifocillare brevemente.
Non resta che da salire l'ultimo tratto del sentiero n.638 che porta alla sommita' del Piz Boe' mt.3152, dove una splendida "terrazza" rocciosa ci regala un fantastico panorama sulla Marmolada con il suo ghiacciaio in primo piano e le maggiori cime dolomitiche.
Siamo scesi poi dal lato opposto per facili e divertenti roccette fino a raggiungere la funivia del Sass Pordoi a mt.2950 che in un batter d'occhio ci ha "scodellato" giu' nel Passo a mt.2239.
Ci siamo ritenuti soddisfatti dell'escursione fatta ed abbiamo approfittato della "tecnologia" per superare l'ultimo tratto di dislivello in discesa.
Vi propongo alcune foto scattate con la mia fedele macchina fotografica anche se ce ne sarebbero moltissime da proporvi, visti i panorami ed i luoghi bellissimi attraversati.
Giudizio : da provare, escursione facile ma impegnativa in relazione alle quote raggiunte con i relativi sbalzi di temperatura ed altimetrici.
Richiede abbigliamento ed attrezzatura adeguata, nonche' preparazione fisica adeguata.
Richiedono molta attenzione i tratti attrezzati sia in salita e discesa, e l'ultimo tratto di salita alla cima perche' often in the north and with traces of snow and ice.
Drop: m.. 1150 about 400 uphill and downhill calculating the ups and downs.
Difficulty ': EE - EEA equipped for the section that requires insurance via ferrata.

Traduzione Testo La Quemona

M31 with TSA and flattener Borg

Finalmente ho testato lo spianatore 7887 and I am very satisfied, if not for some mechanical deflection ... 30 are placed for 5 minutes at 400 iso with 21 dark, flat and bias, the sum with DSS (who did a little 'casino) and processed with ps, 102 telescope takahashi tsa super apo canon 40d and amended .. There are some things to fix but for now put this first draft.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Buy Stratos Boat Seats


During the climb the Piz Boe 'near the path we met and we have observed with curiosity' I e. ......... the nice marmot!